Be “Naughty” Menu.
Dejan here to tell you that sometimes you’ve just gotta let your rebellious inner child run wild and do some “naughty” things that would make your ancestors turn in their graves.
Wait - why am I talking about being naughty?
We put so much pressure on ourselves to behave well, do the right thing, eat right, look good— all that pressure can become crazy making.
Eventually, we’ve got to let off steam… but usually, that takes place in the form of self-sabotaging our health when what we REALLY want to do is be “bad” in some way.
I call this “Rebellious Inner Child Syndrome.”
What’s important about “Rebellious Inner Child Syndrome”?
It’s a way of rebelling against outside authority – being bad for the sake of it. Most people don’t like being told what to do so we have our mechanisms in place to help us rebel.
Some of these mechanisms may be outdated, dysfunctional or self-destructive, so we want to stay away from those.
As health-conscious adults, we can revise our strategy for being “bad” while still getting the pleasure experience of being naughty.
Here are 10 healthy ways to be naughty…
1. Cut the "DO NOT REMOVE" tag from your mattress.
2. Have sex outside.
3. Give your kid a Mohawk without telling your spouse.
4. Draw a mustache on a poster.
5. Wear a short skirt with no undies. (Gents, be careful with skirts... I mean no underwear ;) )
6. Go through the express lane at the grocery store with more than 10 items.
7. Invent a character, dress up like him or her and talk to strangers in character.
8. Try washing something that says "dry-clean only". (Be careful with this one)
9. Go to the movies an hour early and sneak in to watch the end of the other movies.
10. Make a prank call to your mom or dad.
Add your own “naughty” items… The sky’s the limit... Set your rebellious inner child free!
What do I do now?
In my health coaching practice, I work with clients to spot how they are engaging in outdated, self-destructive behavior in a failed attempt to feel more free and alive.
Together we come up with new ways to feel free, alive and even wild!
Click here now to schedule a time to talk with me about letting your rebellious inner child run wild and free!
To your health,
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