What’s your move?
If you're alive, you've experienced the vitality of moving your body. Remember that time when you broke a sweat from getting your heart rate up and lost track of your thoughts as you experienced excitement in your body? Well, that experience is how moving your body consistently can help you improve your health.
The struggle for us is to stay consistent with moving our body. When we lapse in maintaining a consistent movement routine, we default to old unhealthy patterns.
What is movement?
It’s an activity that’s fun for you and gets your body moving!
Your body is made to move. Therefore, a movement is a type of fuel for your body, just like food. It stimulates and generates energy and good moods, plus it’s a fun way to get outside and connect with old and new friends.
Plus, when we move our bodies, we stir up stale energy and blood flow throughout our bodies. When we do this, we create a crack in our worn-out unhealthy patterns. At that exact time, that's where a window is opened up for us to become aware of the old pattern and follow up with a new healthier habit. By continuing to participate in moving our bodies, we keep opening up possibilities for change.
So, what's your move?
Here are 25 Out-Of-The-Box Movement Ideas:
Hula hooping
Nia Skateboarding
Rock climbing
Silks/acrobatics/circus arts
Trampoline jumping
Cardio Barre
Vinyasa Yoga
Jump rope
How do I choose my movement activity and add it to my day?
One of the ways I suggest to people that they find an activity that helps them move is to think of activities they enjoyed as a kid. Roller skating? Hula hooping? Basketball?
Add the movement to your day by starting with a regular 10-minute appointment - for you, this might be first thing in the morning, or at lunch, or after work.
Choosing one of these activities will make you feel like a kid again, and that energy is what will have you excited to get on with your day.
What do I do now?
Need help staying accountable for moving regularly? So do most of my clients, so you’re in good company.
Click here now to schedule a time to talk to me so I can help you find the right kind of movement for you—and to stick to your decision to move every day.
To your health,
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